Breed Standards
A versatile working gundog with all the aptitude required for the breed for a variety of work in the fields, woods and water.
General Appearance:
The over-all picture should be that of an agile, versatile hunting dog with sufficient height, standing over plenty of ground. The dog should look powerful, taut with grace and nobility. A pointing dog of heavy type with an appropriate length coat of brown, black or dead leaf color protecting the whole body.
His character should indicate enthusiasm for work, keenness, spark, and strong nerves. Neither shy nor aggressive. Calm, self-controlled even temperament with distinct hunting instinct without game or gun shyness.
Coat and Color:
Coat dense and hard, rather tight to the body with fine woolly undercoat. Brown, Black or Dead Leaf. Minimal white is permitted, such as a blaze on the chest and/or white feet. A top coat length of 1.5 inches at the withers is an ideal medium length. By its density and harshness the coat should provide as good a protection as possible against weather and injuries as possible.
Of balanced length and width, in proportion to the size and the sex of the dog.
Cranial Region:
- Skull: Flat, slightly rounded at the sides only, moderately broad, pronounced superciliary ridges.
- Stop: Pronounced.
Facial Region:
- Nose: Strongly pigmented corresponding to the coat color. Nostrils well opened.
- Muzzle: In balanced proportion of length and width, neither narrow nor pointed, bridge of nose straight.
- Lips: Close-fitting, not overhanging; never slavering.
- Jaws/teeth: Large teeth; powerful jaws with perfect, regular and complete scissor bite with the upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws. 42 teeth according to the dentition formula.
- Eyes: Set at the sides, large, of a dark amber or brown color, with lively expression. Eye rims well covered with hair, close-fitting to the eyeball.
- Ears: Of medium size, set on high, flat lying, not fleshy; well covered with hair, with rounded tips.
Of medium length, strongly muscled, slightly arched nape, no dewlap.
- Topline: Straight.
- Withers: Pronounced.
- Back: Short and straight, firm, strongly muscled.
- Loins: Well-muscled.
- Croup: Of medium length, slightly sloping; well-muscled.
- Chest: Broad, deep; ribs well arched, but not barrel-shaped.
- Underline and belly: Slight tuck up towards the rear in an elegant curve; slender.
- General appearance: Viewed from the front, straight and parallel; viewed from the side, straight legs set well under the body. Strong bones and joints.
- Shoulders: Tight fitting, well-muscled shoulder blades, forming a good angle with the upper arm.
- Upper arm: Long, with good lean muscles.
- Elbows: Set well under and close to the body, turning neither in nor out.
- Forearm: Long, well-muscled, lean, and perpendicular to the ground. Forming a good angle with the upper arm.
- Carpal joint: Strong.
- Pasterns: Slightly sloping.
- Front feet: Round to oval, well knit; with tough and robust pads; hairs on feet and toes not too long.
- General appearance: Viewed from behind, legs straight and parallel, well-muscled; strong bones.
- Upper thigh: Long, broad, well-muscled.
- Stifle: Strong. Upper and lower thigh forming a good angle.
- Lower thigh: Strong, sinewy, muscular.
- Hock joint: Strong, very well angulated.
- Metatarsus: Short, perpendicular to the ground.
- Hind feet: Round to oval, well knit; with tough, robust pads. Hairs on feet and toes not too long.
Tail docked leaving two-thirds, carried level or upright with no feathering but covered with hard dense hair.
Gait / Movement:
Harmonious, springy, with good reach and drive; far reaching strides, straight and parallel coming and going; with well upstanding posture.
Tight, close-fitting, without folds.
Height at withers: Dogs: 24 to 27 inches. Bitches: 22 to 25 inches.
45 to 75 pounds.
- Deviations from the above standard are considered faults, unless listed in the table of disqualifications below. Breeders should exercise care when considering breedings, to correct faults.
- Coat too long, too soft or too open.
- Pigmentation too light.
- Butt bite.
- Cross bite.
- No beard.
- Over bite, under bite, and/or wry bite.
- Solid white patches on body. (Minimal white is permitted, such as a blaze on the chest and/or white feet.).
- Entropic or Ectropic eyelids.
- Temperament disorders; such as gun shy, shy or too aggressive.
- Monorchid or Cryptorchid.
- Diagnosed hip dysplasia.
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Breed Standards
Pudelpointer Coat Types:
Pudelpointer coats vary in length, density and hardness of hair. Pudelpointer have two coats, a shorter under coat and a longer over coat which varies in length from .75 inches to 2.5 inches. Usually the longer the coat, the soft the coat is to the touch. Both coat types 1 and 2 are acceptable for breeding. Breeding dogs must have furnishing or longer hair typically found on the upper and lower jaws (beard), and may have longer hair on the top of the head, ears, eye brows, back side of the legs and tail. Colors range from Black to light Brown and a small amount of white is also allowed. Please see the photographs and descriptions below.
Wire Coat:
Sometimes referred to as Wire Coat, this type of coat is generally from .75 to 1.5 inches in length. This is a useable breeding coat for a Pudelpointer. Parts of the head, ears, legs and body of the dog will have longer type hair and may also have some rough hair. The eye brows, stop, lower and upper jaws will have a longer hair or beard. Dogs may or may not be well haired on the stomach. It is normally harder to the touch and the undercoat in made from dense hair with good coverage of the skin. Normally, this coat is ideal for field dogs. The longer parts of the coat can be stripped in the spring before warm weather in the summer.
Smooth/Short Coat:
Referred to as a Smooth or Short Coat, this type of coat is generally less than .75 inches in length. This is not a useable breeding coat for a Pudelpointer. The coat is short over the head, legs and body. Most dogs of this type lack hair on the skin on the stomach. It can be soft or hard to the touch and lays close to the skin. This coat is ideal for the field and hot climates.
Rough Coat:
Sometimes refered to as a Rough Coat, this type of coat is generally from 1.5 to 2.5 inches in length. This is a useable breeding coat for a Pudelpointer. Usually it covers the entire head, ears, jaws, legs and body with longer type hair. It will be easy to see the dogs beard on both the upper and lower jaws. Most dogs of this type are well haired on the stomach as well. It is normally softer to the touch and the undercoat is made from finer dense hair with good coverage of the skin. Normally, this coat is ideal for waterfowl hunting and colder climates. The coat can be stripped in the spring before warm weather in the summer.
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Breed Standards
Elke Peper. Official language (DE).
Country of Origin:
Versatile working gundog with all the aptitudes required for the breed, for all kinds of work in the fields, in the woods and in the water.
Group 7 Pointing Dogs. Section 1.1 Continental Pointing Dogs. With Working Trial.
Brief Historical Summary:
The Pudelpointer is a rough coated pointing dog that originates genetically from two breeds, the Poodle and the Pointer, and that has come into being completely isolated from other pointing breeds. Although the Poodle has only been used for creating the foundation breeding stock its characteristics have been preserved till today. In combination with the extraordinary abilities of the Pointer in the fields, its fine scent and its far seeking nose, its fast and wide ranging search and its taut pointing, a versatile, genetically sound and healthy working gundog has emerged, corresponding to the requirements for hunting. The country of origin attaches special significance to the state of health of the Pudelpointer with special emphasis on the prevention of hip dysplasia (HD) and epilepsy in the breed.
General Appearance:
Ideally the conformation displays a Pointer of heavy type with not too long rough coat of dead leaf or black colour protecting the whole body.
Important Proportions:
The length of the body exceeds the height at the withers in a ratio of 10 to 9. The length of the skull from the occiput to the stop is equal to the length of the muzzle from the stop to the nose.
Behavior / Temperament:
Neither shy nor aggressive. Calm, self-controlled, even temperament with distinct hunting instinct, without game or gun shyness.
Of balanced length and width, in proportion to the size and the sex of the dog.
Cranial Region:
- Skull: Flat, slightly rounded at the sides only, moderately broad, pronounced superciliary ridges.
- Stop: Pronounced.
Facial Region:
- Nose: Strongly pigmented corresponding to the coat color. Nostrils well opened.
- Muzzle: In balanced proportion of length and width, neither narrow nor pointed, bridge of nose straight.
- Lips: Close-fitting, not overhanging; never slavering.
- Jaws / Teeth: Large teeth; powerful jaws with perfect, regular and complete scissor bite with the upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws. 42 teeth according to the dentition formula.
- Eyes: Set at the sides, large, of a dark amber color, with lively expression. Eyerims well covered with hair, close-fitting to the eyeball.
- Ears: Of medium size, set on high, flat lying, not fleshy; well covered with hair, with rounded tips.
- Neck: Of medium length, strongly muscled, slightly arched nape, no dewlap.
- Topline : Straight.
- Withers: Pronounced.
- Back: Short and straight, firm, strongly muscled.
- Loin: Well muscled.
- Croup: Of medium length, slightly sloping; well muscled.
- Chest: Broad, deep; ribs well arched, but not barrel-shaped.
- Underline and belly: Slight tuck-up towards the rear in an elegant curve; slender.
Set-on in an even and unbroken line with the croup. Tail straight; should not be carried steeply erected. Covered with rough hair, without fringe.
In accordance with the animal protection law, tail is docked for hunting purposes in such manner to cover the vulva in bitches and the scrotum in males. In countries where docking is prohibited by the law the tail may be left natural. It should reach to the hocks and should be carried straight or somewhat sabre-like slightly above the level of the topline.
- General appearance: Viewed from the front, straight and parallel; viewed from the side, straight legs set well under the body. Strong bones and joints.
- Shoulder: Tight fitting, well muscled shoulder blades, forming a good angle with the upper arm.
- Upper arm: Long, with good lean muscles.
- Elbow: Set well under and close to the body, turning neither in nor out.
- Forearm: Long, well muscled, lean, perpendicular to the ground. Forming a good angle with the upper arm.
- Carpal joint: Strong.
- Pastern: Slightly sloping.
- Forefeet: Round to oval, well knit; with tough and robust pads; hairs on feet and toes not too long.
- General appearance: Viewed from behind, legs straight and parallel, well muscled; strong bones.
- Upper thigh: Long, broad, well muscled.
- Stifle: Strong. Upper and lower thigh forming a good angle.
- Lower thigh: Strong, sinewy, muscular.
- Hock joint: Strong, very well angulated.
- Metatarsus: Short, perpendicular to the ground.
- Hind feet: Round to oval, well knit; with tough, robust pads. Hairs on feet and toes not too long.
Gait / Movement:
Harmonious, springy, with good reach and drive; far reaching strides, straight and parallel coming and going; with well upstanding posture.
Tight, close-fitting, without folds.
- Hair: Close, flat lying, hard rough coat of medium length with dense undercoat. Length of the top coat at the withers 4 – 6 cm. The head shows a beard and a wood shaving like forelock. The coat on the belly is close and dense. By its harshness and density the coat should provide as good a protection as possible against weather and injuries as possible.
- Color: Whole colored. Brown. Dead leaf color. Black. Small white markings are permitted.
Height at withers: Dogs: 60 to 68 cm. Bitches: 55 to 63 cm.
Any departure of the foregoing points must be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog. Especially:
- Swayback or roach back.
- Elbows turning in or out.
- Barrel-legged, cow hocked or close behind in stance and/or in movement.
- Stiff or mincing gait.
- Coat too long, too thin; lack of undercoat.
Disqualifying Faults:
- Aggressive or overly shy dogs.
- Any dog clearly showing physical of behavioral abnormalities.
- Any kind of weak temperament; especially gun or game shyness, nervousness, aggressiveness; fear biter.
- Over or undershot bite, wry mouth; the canines being set too narrow; missing teeth other than P1.
- Entropion, ectropion of any degree.
- Upper eyelids without lashes, hairless eyelids.
- Short coat.
- Lack of beard.
- Any other color or markings of different color than specified in the standard.
- Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
- Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation should be used for breeding.
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